Week 4.1 Website Analysis

Websites Needs Some Work:

Simply put, these business need to make the customers part of their story and give a clear presentation.

Jamilin: I  believe http://jamilin.com/ has many problems with it's site both aesthetically and in functionality.The first impression is overwhelming and messy. It requires too much effort for the audience to determine what is being offered and the hierarchy of information. The organization of clickable links and articles do not seem sensible in the way they are categorized. Some of the links/article return an error page and are inaccessible. Trying to find something specific is not very user friendly. For instance, I attempted to find some contact info, which took much longer than it should have. (It was in a small section on the top left). Visually the pages cream "Ads!" and "look at how great we are!" and does not try to engage and relate to the customer. Some improvements I would recommend would be to clean up and simplify the site and all the graphics. Have one clear focus. Invite the customer to learn more and then present it in a concise, clear welcoming way. Any broken links need to be fixed or deleted. the website needs to follow a sensible outline. 

RoverP6 Parts: I would say that http://www.roverp6cars.com/ shares some of these issues. Particularly the too busy and unclear hierarchy of information factor. Another major problem is that much of the info on the very front page is outdated. This is the first thing customers are going to notice and the sites reputability and accuracy will immediately be questioned. It is commendable that the company is trying to keep its audience informed but it would be better for that info to not exist if they are unable to maintain updating the site regularly. I might suggest The site have a link to Facebook or whichever social media platform they keep current for new info, seeing as managing updating the website is not working. I would also suggest implement the suggestions I made to the first website, as far as clean up, simplicity and customer engagement. 

Decently Designed Sites:

These sites show clearly what they offer and have a clean organized design. 

Penny Juice: What they offer is clear. How to contact, how to order and what varieties of the product is also easy to find and clear. The information is presented utilizing color, size and typography so the audience knows where to focus and how to get the information they seek. The pages and links I tested, worked without error.  The graphics on the homepage put the focus on the customer. It shows happy kids rather than just juice boxes. This draws the customer better, possibly making the customer think "what makes the kids happy? Penny Juice does, great!" Then they support there claims with more info buttons. All the info is not vomited on the front page but accessible should the reader want it. Contact info and order info is not hidden and available in multiple places on the site. 

Riverside Art Center: This site very well organized. The categories in the header and pages nested in them make sense. This allows the reader to find what they need with little effort. It is also aesthetically pleasing. The graphics are create interest but are not cluttered. They have a calendar of events that seems to be up to date and well maintained. Other important info like what they offer, how to contact and location are also easy for the reader to navigate. 


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