Week 10.2: Blog Categories

For my business I believe that categorizing my blog simply by my target audience makes sense. More specifically the lifestyle of my target market.  This would make it obvious for myself which categories my post belongs in and is my content something my audience would actually care about. It would also help me understand which areas my categories overlap, the "sweet spots", if that makes sense. Once I get to the point where my content fits all these categories, and I truly understand my market  I may choose to organize my blog content into a different way.  This coincides with how I categorized my lists on Twitter, which I discussed a bit in week 9. Here are those categories again:
  • Knoxville (start local - expand in future)
  • Outdoor Enthusiasts
  • Athletic Community
  • The Busy Mom
  • The Traveler
  • The Foodie
(Though for a blog, I would probably title these to be more engaging, perhaps more disguised rather than just labeling my target lifestyles.)  

 I commented on blog's week 10.1 of  Andrea Esquivel, Theodoor Koo, Nancy Niepagen, Shana Thopmson and Floyd Williams.


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